Tender For construction of lane drain from house of darshan lal village chak umra w.no.5 panchayat khojipur block bishnah under ddc capex for the financial year 2024-25. (4th call).
Tender For construction of lane from house of rano devi to onwards panchayat kheri a block bishnah under pri capex budget for the financial year of 2024-25.(block level 2nd call).
Tender For const of platform 5 nos in w no.1, w no.4 and w no.5 in panchayat kheri a block bishnah under pri capex budget for the financial year of 2024-25.(block level 2nd call).
Tender For construction of an outdoor badminton court installation of solar street lights and benches at panchayat ghar sehora b pyt. sehora b block bishnah under apdp year 2024-2025 (apdp(2nd call)
Tender For construction of lane drain mohalla nandraj village chak tara panchayat chak jagtu block bishnah under ddc capex for the financial year 2024-25.(4th call).
Tender For construction of lane drain at ward no 2 from house of ashok kumar to onwards vill badrinagar panchayat prithipur block bishnah under ddc capex for the financial year 2024-25(4th call).
Tender For construction of lane with edge wall from masjid to onwards panchayat kheri a block bishnah under pri capex budget for the financial year of 2024-25 .(block level 2nd call).