Tender For improvement of black spot on chailla nerpul yashwantnagar kumarhatti road in km 75375 to 86450 (sh rofd at various rds 80420 to 80465 80915 to 80990 and 83795 to 83855)
Tender For construction of link road from kimmughat to sai mandir near mohan meiken factory in km. 0/00 to 0/550.(sh construction of hume pipe culvert at rds 0075and pl interlocking tiles pavement at rds 000 to 0300 and co v shape drain in km 00 to 0550 and rwall at rd
Tender For restoration to banalgi chandi bhatt ki hatti road due to laying of underground cables in km. 000 to 12/300 (sh construction of r/wall in wire crates at rd. 9013 to 9/025 and 9030 to 9042
Tender For construction of link road shilora khurad to shillu kalan to mohal naryal in km 00 to 7/800 sh co r/wall at rds. 5345 to 5372 and bwall at rds. 5395 to 5417 for improvement of passing palces etc) deposit work