Tender For corrigendum : ge/khu-76/2024-25 special repair to building no t-11 (or living) and special repair to building no t-12 (or living) at khumbathang in the aor of age b/r-i under ge under ge khumbathang
Tender For corrigendum : ge/khu-77/2024-25 special repair to cook house of building number t-24 at khumbathang in the aor of age b/r-1 under ge khumbathang
Tender For corrigendum : ge/khu-75/2024-25 periodical services at zone a khumbthang and repair to compound wall fencing, culverts, drain and protective works at khumbathang in the aor of age b/r-i, under ge khumbathang
Tender For corrigendum : ge/khu-64/2024-25 repair/replacement and maint of deep freezer, air conditioner, refrigerator and geysers/electric hamam in the aor of age e/m at khumbathang under ge khumbathang
Tender For corrigendum : ge-khu-73-2024-25 special repair to existing dispersal area 630 sqm in front of building no t-113 andt-114 at khaltsi and provision of 02 x guard room with post and allied infrastructure at achinathang in the aor of age br-ii khaltsi under ge ktha