Tender For supply of digital elcometer for coating thickness measurement from 0 micron to 2000 micron capicity with required calibrated foils accepted make/brand: metravi-ctg-03 or similar [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For special repair to building no t-180 (cook house), t-188, t-184, t-185, t-187 (store shelter) at rayang mil stn, provn of 03 x toilet cum bathroom for building no owt-721, owt-722, owt-730 and provn of 03 x toilet cum bathroom for building no owt-725, owt-726....
Tender For construction sos living accommodation including kitchen and toilet and ors living accommodation including kitchen cum dining hall, toilet and bathroom at itbp campus of 61 bn in area jorging
Tender For special repair of jocs line t-13 for dsc pl, special repair to building no. t-51, provn of septic tank and soakage well in certain unit, provn of store room near building no. owt-276 for storage of tech eqpt and provn of 16 x turbo ventilator in building no.....