Tender For supply and delivery of compactor bins for sanitary section of parvathipuram municipality,parvathipuram.15th finance commission grants.(2020 -2021)
Tender For supply and delivery of safety acquirement of parvathipuram municipality, parvathipuram.all sizes of hard blasted granite,metal, hard blasted machine,,crushed granite chips.,all sizes of hard metal other than ,granite and rough stone of hardvariety other granite.,gravel / quarry rubbish,sand
Tender For providing electrification, plumbing and other allied works at urban primary health center (uphc), chakali belagam, 18th ward of parvathipuram municipality.
Tender For package no.ap2023k06, l027-podisa road to chaparaiguda in kurupam mandal of parvathipuram manyam dist. est. cost rs.280.00 lakhs and rs.21.00 lakhs for routine maintenance.
Tender For package no. ap20xi0905, l068-road from muliguda r and b road at gorada 15 by 8 km to vallada in g.l.puram mandal of parvathipuram manyam district. (balance work from km 0 to 2 by 250km) est. cost rs. 116.83 lakhs and rs. 12.49 lakhs for routine m
Tender For operation and maintenance of cpws scheme to jamadala,gochekka and other habitations and cpws scheme to narsipuram in parvathipuram manyam district for the year 2024-25 est. cost rs 22.67/90.00lakhs