Tender For construction dairy shed measuring 80ft a 30ft at gole pattan tehsil and district jammu pyt. gangochak block marh scheme tribal plan for the year of 2024-25 (2nd call)
Tender For supply of burette stands , bunsen burner , dissecting box , racks , dissecting microscope esaw , hot air oven , digital weighing balance , electric centrifuge , hot plate , incubators , model dna and rna , gel electrophoresis system , 2.2 kva solar inverter , teachers chair , laboratory table , cctv , projection microscope , refrigerator , lpg gas heater , official chair
Tender For const of drain near the h/o shamsher singh and heera singh house at jaswan and also const of public pattan near the l/o cap. rattan singh on khul. pyt jaswan block marh pri 2024-25 (block level) (2nd call)