Tender For repair and maintenance of type-ii quarter set no.33 at tank road solan (sh:- providing and laying flooring, painting, distempering and sanitary fitting)
Tender For construction of ambulance road from brewery solan (nh 05) to village tikkar km. 0/00 to 1/800 under mnp (sh: f/c,cd and soling in km.0/00 to 1/800) (sw: construction of pcc retaining wall at rd.0/445 to 0/458)
Tender For restoration of rain damages on paughat hatipun road (saheed roshan lal mag) km.0/00 to 9.00 (sh: construction of r/wall at rd.8/135 to 8/137.20)
Tender For repair and maintenance of type-iii quarter set no. 6 near iti colony solan (sh:- providing and fixing steel work, painting, distempering and sanitary fitting)
Tender For construction of 60 mtr span bridge over ashwani khad at rd.2/870 on ddl factory to chaura road km.0/00 to 3/420 (sh:- conducting bearing capacity of soil test of middle pier) job no.3