Tender For fdr/mtc. of damage surface of different roads under the jurisdiction of pwd (r and b) rupaichari sub division during the year 2024-25/s.h- pot holes repair, missing soling, sand seal coat etc. (group-i)
Tender For maintenance of road starting from sabroom manughat road (near swapan bhowmik house) upto chumki guest house under sabroom nagar panchayet ch.0.180 to 0.230 km. (l-0.050 km.) / sh- construction of rcc road etc. during the year 2023-24
Tender For fdr/mtc. of road from tuikumba road near the sri prabin tripura house to rangchak baptist church under satchand block during the year 2024-25(l-0.646 km) / sh - wbm-iii, carpeting and seal coat etc. (portion from 0.00 km to 0.646 km). (2nd call)
Tender For maintenance of road from poangbari to madhabnagar road (l-5.70 km) / sh- construction of rcc boxcell (2.00m x 2.00m) at ch 3.20 km over local cherra on the road from and cc block placement at local cherra on the road from srinagar bazar to srinagar bop
Tender For major repair of 4(four) nos. school under satchand and rupaichari block, south tripura district for the year 2024-25 under samagra shiksha at elementary level.
Tender For fdr/mtc. of road starting from sabroom to manughat from chainage 0.00 km to 4.50 km (length-4.50 km) under pwd (r and b) sabroom sub-division during the year 2024-25. / s.h - pot hole repairing, patch carpeting, sand seal coat, etc. (gr-i) (2nd call)
Tender For fdr/mtc. of road from tuikumba road near the sri prabin tripura house to rangchak baptist church under satchand block during the year 2024-25(l-0.646 km) / sh - wbm-iii, carpeting and seal coat etc. (portion from 0.00 km to 0.646 km). (2nd call)
Tender For maintenance of road from harjan para nbcc road to maniram para (l-0.210 km) / sh- sub-grade preparation, gsb, wbm-iii, paver block etc. under pwd (r and b), rupaichari, sub-division during the year 2024-25.
Tender For fdr/mtc. of different roads under satchand pwd (r and b) jurisdiction, sabroom south tripura / s.h- patch soling, patch metaling, patch carpeting, seal coat etc. during the year 2024-25. (gr-ii)