1El.D.C.NO CENTRE/2445/2020 Removal and refixing of 12 nos kiosk pillar box from the ground level and 417 nos of construction of new Plain cement concrete pedestal at Various places in Dn 81,83,84,86,87,88 in Zone 7
2El.D.C.NO CENTRE/247/2021 Supply and fixing of LT sub panel board with all accessories in Athipet dumping ground for bio mining project in Div 86, Zone VII area.
4e-Tender- Provision of laying new cable for connecting solar roof top three phase supply to MV panel in Amma Maaligai in Ripon Building premises in Division 58, Zone 5
5El.D.C.NO.North /10230/2019/Provision of laying new cable for connecting solar roof top three phase supply to MV panel in Amma Maaligai in Ripon Building premises in Division 58, Zone 5
6e tender -Erection of 2 Nos no value 7Mtr lamp post, repalcement of 344 Mtrs of cable and shifting of 1 No kiosk pillar box at A.P Road and Narayana Guru
salai in Division 58, Zone 5
7El.D.C.NO.North /10171/2019/Erection of 2 Nos no value 7Mtr lamp post, repalcement of 344 Mtrs of cable and shifting of 1 No kiosk pillar box at A.P Road and Narayana Guru salai in Division 58, Zone 5
8e-Tender Supply, erection and commissioning of 490 Nos of new street lamp post, removal of damaged/ rusted lamp post at various locations in Div 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 62, 63, Zone 5(Package 5)
9El.D.C.No. NORTH/9805/2019/Supply, erection and commissioning of 490 Nos of new street lamp post, removal of damaged/ rusted lamp post at various locations in Div 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 62, 63, Zone 5(Package 5)