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Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:853179 Contract Value : 20.47 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for improve and remodelling of lis kot dehra by filling water in rewal and kot tal in tehsil ghumarwin distt bilaspur hp sh co sump welll desilting tank pump house toilet block outlets thrust block and providing fixing barbed wire fencing
1 Improve and remodelling of LIS Kot Dehra by filling water in Rewal and Kot Tal in Tehsil Ghumarwin Distt Bilaspur HP SH CO Sump Welll Desilting Tank Pump House Toilet Block outlets thrust block and providing fixing barbed wire fencing

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:851403 Contract Value : 16.70 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Shimla - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for operation and maintenance of sewerage system to rohru town in tehsil rohru distt shimla h p
2 Operation and maintenance of Sewerage system to Rohru Town in Tehsil Rohru Distt Shimla H P

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:851405 Contract Value : 28.08 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Kangra - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for augmentation of lift irrigation scheme bhadwar in tehsil nurpur distt. kangra (hp) (sub head :-construction of 1 no. delivery tank, 22 nos. out let, and laying,jointing, testing of hdpe pipe in distribution system and construction of pucca field channel)
3 Augmentation of lift irrigation scheme Bhadwar in Tehsil Nurpur Distt. Kangra (HP) (Sub head :-Construction of 1 No. Delivery tank, 22 Nos. Out let, and laying,jointing, testing of HDPE pipe in Distribution System and construction of Pucca Field Channel)

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:847921 Contract Value : 21.95 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for performance based contract annual repair and maintenance of sewerage scheme to municapal committe ghumarwin town (sh:- annual repair and maintenance of complete sewerage network, man holes, flushing tanks , 1.20 mld stp for zone no. ii and septic tank for zone no. i(on contract basis for one year).
4 Performance based contract Annual repair and maintenance of sewerage scheme to Municapal Committe Ghumarwin town (SH:- Annual Repair and Maintenance of complete sewerage network, man holes, flushing tanks , 1.20 MLD STP for Zone No. II and Septic tank for zone No. I(on contract basis for One year).

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:849806 Contract Value : 21.95 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for performance based contract annual repair and maintenance of sewerage scheme to municapal committe ghumarwin town (sh:- annual repair and maintenance of complete sewerage network, man holes, flushing tanks , 1.20 mld stp for zone no. ii and septic tank for zone no. i(on contract basis for one year).
5 Performance based contract Annual repair and maintenance of sewerage scheme to Municapal Committe Ghumarwin town (SH:- Annual Repair and Maintenance of complete sewerage network, man holes, flushing tanks , 1.20 MLD STP for Zone No. II and Septic tank for zone No. I(on contract basis for One year).

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:851404 Contract Value : 1.02 Crore
l-iconLocation:Shimla - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for providing lis for horticulture land for pabber to bijori and ita surrounding area in of g.p rantari teshil rohru distt.,shimla (h.p) (sh:rcc storge tank ,17 nos providing and laying and jointing in g.i pipe of gravity main and various dia,
6 Providing LIS for Horticulture land for Pabber to Bijori and ita surrounding area in of G.P Rantari teshil rohru Distt.,Shimla (H.P) (SH:Rcc Storge Tank ,17 NOS Providing and Laying and jointing in G.I pipe of gravity main and various dia,

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:849044 Contract Value : 10.24 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Sirmour - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for repair and maintenance of gwss and lwss nahan town in tehsil nahan distt. sirmour hp (sh:- providing and supplying of unskilled labour for lwss and gwss nahan town).
7 Repair and Maintenance of GWSS and LWSS Nahan Town in Tehsil Nahan Distt. Sirmour HP (SH:- Providing and supplying of unskilled labour for LWSS and GWSS Nahan Town).

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:849045 Contract Value : 12.14 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for construction of laboratory building at una as per nabl norms. ( sh:- construction of district water testing lab building at una in distt. una ( h.p.)
8 Construction Of Laboratory Building at Una as per NABL Norms. ( SH:- Construction Of District Water Testing Lab Building at Una in Distt. Una ( H.P.)

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:849046 Contract Value : 1.01 Crore
l-iconLocation:Shimla - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for remodeling lwss chunger-katlah , shallan , melthi-kupri in tehsil rohru distt, shimla (h.p ) (sh: ---development of site for various structures ,c/o rcc intake chamber =1no. , c/o rcc storage tank =2nos. of 10,000 liters capacity each , 2nos 15,000. liters capacity ,1no. 25,000. liters capacity , c/o rcc sump well =2nos. of 25,000 liters capacity each , c/o rcc deliverytank =1nos. of 10,000 liters capacity and c/o rcc filter bed 2nos 37.25 sqmt each and sed. / tank 1no 41,000. liters capacity , sanitary protection around the civil structures ) under jjm
9 Remodeling LWSS Chunger-Katlah , Shallan , Melthi-Kupri in Tehsil Rohru Distt, Shimla (H.P ) (SH: ---Development of site for various structures ,C/O RCC Intake Chamber =1No. , C/O RCC Storage Tank =2Nos. of 10,000 liters capacity each , 2Nos 15,000. liters capacity ,1No. 25,000. liters capacity , C/O RCC Sump well =2Nos. of 25,000 liters capacity each , C/O RCC DeliveryTank =1Nos. of 10,000 liters capacity and C/O RCC Filter Bed 2Nos 37.25 Sqmt each and Sed. / Tank 1No 41,000. liters capacity , Sanitary protection around the Civil structures ) under JJM

Agency : Irrigation And Public Health Department

CTN:849047 Contract Value : 7.47 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Sirmour - Himachal Pradesh Tender award for providing cad work to lis ambwala sainwala in tehsil nahan distt. sirmour hp (sh:- construction of outlets single acting and double acting, construction of rcc sumpwell 65000 ltrs capacity and laying, jointing of hdpe pipe of various dias).
10 Providing CAD work to LIS Ambwala Sainwala in Tehsil Nahan Distt. Sirmour HP (SH:- Construction Of outlets single acting and Double acting, Construction Of RCC Sumpwell 65000 ltrs capacity and Laying, jointing of HDPE pipe of various dias).
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