2Construction of WBM DP road 18M Wide road in Marodi Kh 181 to Kh 10 of Singori Tahsil- Mouda in east division under Metro Region Development Deposit Fund.
Agency :
Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority
4Construction of W.B.M. Pandhan Road in Chacher Singori Gumgaon Mz- Chacher of Tahsil-Mouda In East Division Under Metro Region Development Deposit Fund.
Agency :
Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority
6Construction of W.B.M. Road and Compound Wall to Open Space in NATP Sanctioned Layout Kh. No. 66/A-1, 66/B Mz. Besa, Tah. - Nagpur (Gramin), Dist. Nagpur.
Agency :
Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority