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Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:664782 Contract Value : 5.78 Crore
l-iconLocation:Bhubneshwar - Orissa Tender award for renovation of athletic stadium ( west stand) confirming to fifa-2020 norms inside kalinga stadium, bhubaneswar
1 Renovation of Athletic Stadium ( West Stand) confirming to FIFA-2020 norms inside Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:845434 Contract Value : 3.20 Crore
l-iconLocation:Mayurbhanji - Orissa Tender award for construction of 48 seated boys and 48 seated girls hostel (g.f and f.f) for skill development centre at bankisole, baripada in district mayurbhanj.
2 Construction of 48 Seated Boys and 48 Seated Girls Hostel (G.F and F.F) for Skill Development Centre at Bankisole, Baripada in District Mayurbhanj.

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:839130 Contract Value : 84.02 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bhubneshwar - Orissa Tender award for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2no 600kva and 1no 125kva silent type dg set for stand by power supply arrangement to tech tower, bhubaneswar
3 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2no 600KVA and 1no 125KVA Silent type DG set for stand by power supply arrangement to Tech Tower, Bhubaneswar

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:828071 Contract Value : 4.50 Crore
l-iconLocation:Keonjhar - Orissa Tender award for construction of 10nos type iii (b) staff quarter and principal quarter for government college of engineering at keonjhar, odisha
4 Construction of 10nos Type III (B) Staff Quarter and Principal Quarter For Government College of Engineering at Keonjhar, Odisha

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:828072 Contract Value : 3.11 Crore
l-iconLocation:Jajpur Town - Orissa Tender award for construction of 48 seated boys and 48 seated girls hostel (g.f and f.f) for skill development centre at chandama, district jajpur
5 Construction of 48 Seated Boys and 48 Seated Girls Hostel (G.F and F.F) for Skill Development Centre at Chandama, District Jajpur

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:721822 Contract Value : 57.05 Crore
l-iconLocation:Angul - Orissa Tender award for retro-fitting, renovation and up gradation of tower-2010, mancheswar for world skill centre , bhubaneswar (reto-fitting ,civil,interior finishing ,mep works and furmiture
6 Retro-fitting, Renovation and Up gradation of Tower-2010, Mancheswar for World Skill Centre , Bhubaneswar (Reto-fitting ,Civil,interior finishing ,MEP works and furmiture

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:678131 Contract Value : 74.11 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Khordha - Orissa Tender award for construction of rcc, sfrc pre-cast compound wall at kapileswarpur industrial estate, khorda.
7 Construction of RCC, SFRC Pre-cast compound wall at Kapileswarpur Industrial Estate, Khorda.

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:666254 Contract Value : 91.87 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bhubneshwar - Orissa Tender award for procurement of pvc-o (oriented pvc) pipes
8 Procurement of PVC-O (Oriented PVC) pipes

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:663171 Contract Value : 82.59 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Bhubneshwar - Orissa Tender award for renovation works of old ocac building, bhubaneswar.
9 Renovation Works of old OCAC Building, Bhubaneswar.

Agency : Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

CTN:663172 Contract Value : 4.54 Crore
l-iconLocation:Bhubneshwar - Orissa Tender award for furnishing of ground floor and first floor training hall, sanjog helpline, executive training hall, o.v.a, bharat net, conference hall at ocac tower, bhubaneswar.
10 Furnishing of Ground Floor and First Floor Training Hall, Sanjog Helpline, Executive Training Hall, O.V.A, Bharat Net, Conference Hall at OCAC Tower, Bhubaneswar.
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