1Widening and Strengthening Work (Including Bridge Constrction) of Govindpur - Sindri Road (MDR 066) from Km 0.00 to Km 22.157 (Total Lenth -22.157 Km) under Plan Head for the Year 2019-20.
3Re-Construction of Kutmu Garu Mahuadar Road SH-09 Part in Km 0.00 to 80.372 Total Length - 80.372 KM With Construction of Bridge for the Year of 2018-19
8Widening and Strengthening of road from 14th km of Godda-Sunadarpahari-Dharampur road at Tesobathan to 39th of Godda-Pirpainti roat at Mahadeo Bathan via- Ghatiyari, Khairu Bazar Total Length- 36.25 Km for the year 2018-19