1construction of source work , S.S.F. of 150KLD capacity, laying, jointing and testing of rising main, gravity main & distribution system pipe line, sump/C.W.R., pump house etc. including all Electro Mechanical works and other appurtenant works under Pundori G.O.V. pumping water supply scheme along with handing over the works after commissioning to maintenance agency.
2Survey, Design and Construction of works consisting of construction of Dry Intake Well, supplying, carting, laying & jointing of Rising Main by welding, Raw Water Sumps / Top / Clear Water Service Reservoirs, Supply / Feeder main/Distribution system from different Sumps / Top Reservoirs to Service Reservoirs and service reservoirs to stand post and branches, Pump houses & Residential Buildings and all other Civil, Electrical & Mechanical works and non-conventional type Water Treatment Plant etc. complete including 6 months maintenance under Bageshwar Phase I ( Mandalsera ) Water Supply Scheme of Block Bageshwar in District Bageshwar
4Survey, Design and Construction of works consisting of construction of Infiltration well, supplying, carting, laying & jointing of Rising Main by welding, Clear Water Sumps / Top / Service Reservoirs, Supply / Feeder main/Distribution system from different Sumps / Top Reservoirs to Service Reservoirs and service reservoirs to stand post and branches, Pump houses & Residential Buildings and all other Civil, Electrical & Mechanical works etc. complete including 6 months maintenance under Jethai G.O.V. (Pumping) Water Supply Scheme of Block Bageshwar in District Bageshwar
6Supply, Carting, Laying and Jointing of Rising Main, Gravity Main, Distribution System, Source Works, Clear Water Reservoir, Pump House and All Other Appurtenants works etc complete under Simoli (Pumping) Water Supply Scheme of Block Dwarahat in District Almora.