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Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:851399 Contract Value : 334
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for construction of okhalkanda talla to kanala mr, stage - i & ii
1 Construction of Okhalkanda Talla to Kanala MR, Stage - I & II

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:851400 Contract Value : 136
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for renewal work of mdr-25 to bhagadevli motor road with performance based maintenance for two years
2 Renewal Work of MDR-25 to Bhagadevli Motor Road with Performance Based maintenance for Two Years

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:851398 Contract Value : 426
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for ut-01-100 construction of jaurasi-ghanyal rd. to ghaniyal (gwalbeena) mr stage-i
3 UT-01-100 Construction of Jaurasi-Ghanyal Rd. to Ghaniyal (Gwalbeena) MR Stage-I

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:736318 Contract Value : 4.28 Crore
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for construction of 24 mtr span steel truss at km-7, 24 mtr span steel truss at km-9 (xs-8/26-8/28) and 24 mtr span steel truss at km-9 (xs-8/38-8/40) of supi to jhuni. (wapcos) ut-02-15, ut-02-16, ut-02-17,
4 Construction of 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-7, 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-9 (XS-8/26-8/28) and 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-9 (XS-8/38-8/40) of Supi to Jhuni. (WAPCOS) UT-02-15, UT-02-16, UT-02-17,

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:736319 Contract Value : 4.86 Crore
l-iconLocation:Dehradune - Uttaranchal Tender award for contruction mtr span steel truss at km-1, 36 mtr span steel truss at km-6 (xs 5/3-5/5) and 24 mtr span steel truss at km-6 (xs-5/7-5/3) of supi to jhuni. (wapcos)
5 contruction Mtr span steel truss at km-1, 36 Mtr span steel truss at km-6 (XS 5/3-5/5) and 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-6 (XS-5/7-5/3) of Supi to Jhuni. (WAPCOS)

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:683759 Contract Value : 327
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for construction and maintenance (5 years) of madaknali to bhama mr stage ii (cold mix)
6 Construction and Maintenance (5 years) of Madaknali to Bhama MR stage II (cold mix)

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:686766 Contract Value : 1.9 Thousand
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for ut-04-31, ut-04-32 and ut-04-33 xvi dhaun to salli mr stage-ii, sayala to poth mr stage-ii and amori to chhatkot mr stage-ii
7 UT-04-31, UT-04-32 and UT-04-33 XVI Dhaun to Salli MR Stage-II, Sayala to Poth MR Stage-II and Amori to Chhatkot MR Stage-II

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:683761 Contract Value : 384
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for ut-01-149 construction of basolikhan-chamtola to nayal dhura motor road, under pmgsy stage -i phase xix (wb)
8 UT-01-149 Construction of Basolikhan-Chamtola to Nayal Dhura Motor Road, under PMGSY stage -I Phase XIX (WB)

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:706780 Contract Value : 280
l-iconLocation:Dehradun - Uttaranchal Tender award for tender for ut1144_bangwari to raragar motor road stage ii
9 tender for UT1144_Bangwari to Raragar Motor Road Stage II

Agency : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency

CTN:670710 Contract Value : 565
l-iconLocation:Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh Tender award for ut-11-100, ghansali akhori mr km 18 to saruna kot chanji mr stage-i
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