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You have searched foranuppur in Awarded Tender Result .Click on any tender to view further details.

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:855655 Contract Value : 5.68 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for construction of 10 (ten) nos. new ventilation stopping at p-7 proposed depillaring panel in between intake and return airway in l.k.-ii
1 Construction of 10 (Ten) Nos. New Ventilation Stopping at P-7 proposed depillaring panel in between intake and return airway in L.K.-II

Agency : Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation Limited

CTN:858516 Contract Value : 6.79 Crore
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for construction of public amenities, entry gates, kitchen, waiting hall etc drinking water kiosk and other development work at kapil dhara, sonmuda, mai ki bagiya, bus stand and pedestrian street from mela ground to ramghat at amarkantak distt annupur
2 Construction of public amenities, entry gates, kitchen, waiting hall etc drinking water kiosk and other development work at Kapil Dhara, Sonmuda, Mai ki bagiya, bus stand and pedestrian street from mela ground to ramghat at Amarkantak distt annupur

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:804912 Contract Value : 1.58 Crore
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for hiring of pay loader and tippers for loading and transportation of coal at amadand ocp of jk area for total quantity of 318768 te with tpd of 2000 te/day for a period of 159 days.
3 Hiring of Pay loader and tippers for loading and transportation of coal at Amadand OCP of JK Area for total quantity of 318768 Te with TPD of 2000 Te/day for a period of 159 days.

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:793485 Contract Value : 8.47 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for strengthening of gantry or ramp of steel surface bunker at baratarai colliery amdugsa of jk area.
4 Strengthening of Gantry or Ramp of steel surface bunker at Baratarai Colliery AMDUGSA of JK Area.

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:791563 Contract Value : 4.58 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for modification of 02 nos. air crossing at 29l/1dn and 29l/odn (seam-i) at rani atari ug mine for reorganisation of ventilation.
5 Modification of 02 Nos. Air Crossing at 29L/1DN and 29L/ODN (Seam-I) at Rani Atari UG Mine for reorganisation of ventilation.

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:787967 Contract Value : 10.13 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for cleaning and upkeeping of various nrb buildings at chp area (incharge office, sampling rooms, civil field office and clerk room etc.) at kocp of kusmunda area.
6 Cleaning and upkeeping of various NRB buildings at CHP Area (Incharge office, Sampling rooms, Civil field office and Clerk room etc.) at KOCP of Kusmunda Area.

Agency : Urban Administration And Development

CTN:828690 Contract Value : 1.87 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for construction of cc drain at ward no 04 from ramsundar house to golu pandey house
7 Construction of CC Drain at Ward No 04 from Ramsundar House to Golu Pandey House

Agency : Madhya Pradesh Purva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd

CTN:850219 Contract Value : 50.0 Thousand
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for providing 01 no. hiring of light motor vehicle of latest modal 2019 for s.e. (o&m) anuppur
8 Providing 01 No. hiring of light motor Vehicle of latest modal 2019 FOR S.E. (O&M) Anuppur

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:848239 Contract Value : 49.51 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for hiring of tippers for transportation of coal from surface bunker meera incline to govinda siding
9 Hiring of tippers for transportation of coal from surface bunker Meera Incline to Govinda Siding

Agency : South Eastern Coalfields Limited

CTN:849594 Contract Value : 49.51 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh Tender award for hiring of tippers for transportation of coal from surface bunker meera incline to govinda siding top of crusher through siding road weigh bridge for total quantity of 1,40 000 te with 278. 57 tpd . lead 5 to km
10 Hiring of tippers for transportation of coal from surface bunker Meera Incline to Govinda Siding top of crusher through siding road weigh bridge for total quantity of 1,40 000 te with 278. 57 tpd . lead 5 to KM
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