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You have searched fornilambur in Awarded Tender Result .Click on any tender to view further details.

Agency : Kerala State Electricity Board

CTN:860112 Contract Value : 32.83 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for shiftng ht and lt poles and lines from chathamunda to munderi farm for construction of malayorahighway (kiifb project) under electrical sectionpothukallu
1 Shiftng HT and LT poles and lines from Chathamunda to Munderi farm for construction of MALAYORAHIGHWAY (KIIFB PROJECT) under Electrical SectionPothukallu

Agency : Kerala State Electricity Board

CTN:805305 Contract Value : 8.56 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for reconductoring 11 kv line with abc at different locations under electrical section edakkara
2 Reconductoring 11 KV Line with ABC at different locations under Electrical Section Edakkara

Agency : Public Works Department

CTN:843949 Contract Value : 4.23 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for maintenance work of pwd assistant engineers quarters nilambur
3 Maintenance work of PWD Assistant Engineers Quarters Nilambur

Agency : District Panchayat

CTN:842388 Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for nilambur bp 2019-20 proj.no.50 kundilatty mylampara road tarring
4 Nilambur BP 2019-20 Proj.No.50 Kundilatty Mylampara road tarring

Agency : District Panchayat

CTN:842389 Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for xiiith plan 2019-20 nilambur bp – proj no.19 -kaduvakuzhi lift irrigation nariyampoyil sub canal construction

Agency : District Panchayat

CTN:842390 Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for nilambur bp 2019-20 proj.no 76 velumbiyampadam chennampotti melemukku culvert construction
6 Nilambur BP 2019-20 Proj.No 76 Velumbiyampadam Chennampotti Melemukku Culvert Construction

Agency : Kerala Water Authority

CTN:833383 Contract Value : 1.84 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for drw-2019 - uwss to nilambur- de silting of intake well and baby well at kalathinkadavu.
7 DRW-2019 - UWSS to Nilambur- De silting of Intake well and Baby well at Kalathinkadavu.

Agency : Public Works Department

CTN:824493 Contract Value : 10.87 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for r/p 2017-18. providing stripped bt to km 10/600 to 12/500 of maramvettichal - karappuram - nellikuth - munda road. nilambur lac
8 R/P 2017-18. Providing stripped BT to Km 10/600 to 12/500 of Maramvettichal - Karappuram - Nellikuth - Munda road. Nilambur LAC

Agency : District Panchayat

CTN:821265 Contract Value : 45.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for nilambur bp 2019-20 (flood relief work) chembra colony road side protection (rcc)
9 Nilambur BP 2019-20 (FLOOD RELIEF WORK) Chembra colony road side protection (RCC)

Agency : District Panchayat

CTN:821346 Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Nilambur - Kerala Tender award for xiiith plan 2019-20 nilambur bp – proj no.17 randampadam vithuvettikkal canal
10 XIIIth Plan 2019-20 Nilambur BP – Proj No.17 RANDAMPADAM VITHUVETTIKKAL CANAL
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