3Balance Work of Solar Backup System and Street Lighting in Homeopathic Dispensary at Sehramau, Muzaffar Nagar, Bhagwanpur, Pachpeda and Gonch (05 Nos.) Distt.-Pilibhit
9For the work to increase the capacity of D.T from 100 to 250 Kva and from 250 to 400 Kva against Business Plan under Electricity Distribution Division, Bisalpur, Bisalpur.
10For the work of giving new connection to construct 22 K.V line to Gram Tanda Punnapur, Gram Guladiya Bhup Singh with the construction of 24 K.V line and Dismantle of 11 K.V line passing above graveyard in Village Kasganja against Full Deposited Fund under Electricity Distribution Division, Bisalpur.