6Construction of link from Sarkalti Hawan Oddi Road Km.0/000 to 3/975 SH Providing and laying Kharanja soling Km.0/000 to 3/435 and C/O Hume pipe culvert at RD 0/735 1/37 1/735 1/810 1/885 1/960 2/210 2/555 2/960 3/105 3/480 3/660 3/780 and 3/870
7FDR 2016- Restoration of rain damages on NH-305 from Km. 0.0 to 53.0 SH- Construction of Retaining wall in Km 26.570 to 26.590 for the year 2016-17 in the state of HP under FDR.
8FDR 2016- Restoration of rain damages on NH-305 from Km 0.0 to 53.0 SH- Construction of R.wall in Km 0.524 to 0.544 for the year 2016-17 in the state of HP under FDR.
10FDR Monsson 2014 Restoration of rain flood damages in Km 307 to 337/140 on NH-22 New NH-5 SH C/o B/wall using wire crate at RD 329/260 to 300 and R/wall at RD 329/250 to 280 and 329/390 to 405, 329/405 to 415 and 332/125 to 332/135