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You have searched forvellanikkara in Awarded Tender Result .Click on any tender to view further details.

Agency : Department Of Physical Plants

CTN:740648 Contract Value : 15.88 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for kau-eap (power grid aid)-electrification of ladies hostel m.c. vellanikkara
1 KAU-EAP (Power Grid Aid)-Electrification Of Ladies Hostel M.C. Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:667974 Contract Value : 1.59 Crore
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for icar - construction of international hostel- (vertical extension of first and second floor to the faculty guest house) at m.c, vellanikkara
2 ICAR - Construction of International hostel- (Vertical extension of first and second floor to the faculty guest house) at M.C, Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:652716 Contract Value : 7.49 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for shm-extension of mushroom spawn laboratory under department of plant pathology at coh, m.c, vellanikkara
3 SHM-Extension of Mushroom spawn laboratory under Department of Plant Pathology at CoH, M.C, Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:652717 Contract Value : 6.54 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for icar development grant 18-19 - providing sheet roofing over nila ladies hostel at m.c.vellanikkara
4 ICAR Development Grant 18-19 - Providing sheet roofing over Nila Ladies Hostel at M.C.Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:648856 Contract Value : 15.98 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for state plan-2018-19 - (shm) -vertical extension( first and second floor) to the cocoa research center at coh vellanikkara
5 State Plan-2018-19 - (SHM) -Vertical Extension( First and Second floor) to the COCOA Research Center at COH Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:649464 Contract Value : 15.98 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for state plan-2018-19 - (shm) -vertical extension( first and second floor) to the cocoa research center at coh vellanikkara
6 State Plan-2018-19 - (SHM) -Vertical Extension( First and Second floor) to the COCOA Research Center at COH Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:629387 Contract Value : 7.00 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for icar development grant - 17- 18 - extension of vehicle shed, repair works to drainage and painting works to the class rooms at ccbm, mc, vellanikkara
7 ICAR Development Grant - 17- 18 - Extension of vehicle shed, repair works to drainage and painting works to the class rooms at CCBM, MC, Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:625897 Contract Value : 2.92 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for installation of meteorology observatory at accer campus,vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:613974 Contract Value : 1.48 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for construction of seed drying yard for wmru, at m.c, vellanikkara
9 Construction of Seed drying yard for WMRU, at M.C, Vellanikkara

Agency : Kerala Agricultural University

CTN:593633 Contract Value : 18.53 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vellanikkara - Kerala Tender award for repair works to the compound wall in the main campus vellanikkara
10 Repair works to the compound wall in the main campus Vellanikkara
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