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You have searched forvengurla in Awarded Tender Result .Click on any tender to view further details.

Agency : Village Panchayat

CTN:846512 Contract Value : 5.80 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for constructing a boudhavihar or samanmandeer building at math sidharth nagar, tal. vengurla
1 Constructing a Boudhavihar or Samanmandeer building at Math Sidharth Nagar, Tal. Vengurla

Agency : Village Panchayat

CTN:846513 Contract Value : 4.21 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for providing plastering to new math village panchayat building at math tal vengurla

Agency : Department Of Municipal Administration

CTN:827040 Contract Value : 14.14 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for construction of civil work for fire hydrant system at vengurle for vengurle nagarparishad
3 Construction of Civil Work for fire Hydrant system at vengurle for Vengurle Nagarparishad

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:824024 Contract Value : 8.76 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for repairs to surface on hodawada chavata mandir to devasuwadi rd vr 89 km 1/200 to 2/00 and repairs to surface on vajarat chavata to devasuwadi kamaleweer rd vr 85km 1/00 to 2/00 tal vengurla
4 Repairs to surface on hodawada chavata mandir to devasuwadi rd VR 89 km 1/200 to 2/00 and Repairs to surface on vajarat chavata to devasuwadi kamaleweer rd vr 85km 1/00 to 2/00 tal vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:823836 Contract Value : 12.48 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for providing wbm and b t surface on korjai anadvadi karli rd v r 1 in k m 0/800 to 2/0 tal vengurla
5 Providing WBM and B T Surface on Korjai Anadvadi Karli Rd V R 1 in k m 0/800 to 2/0 Tal Vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:823837 Contract Value : 13.03 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for constructing pathway at kinara approach road ( korajai main road to pravin sarang house road) in k m 0/050 to 0/600 tal vengurla
6 Constructing Pathway at Kinara Approach Road ( Korajai Main Road to Pravin Sarang House Road) in k m 0/050 to 0/600 Tal Vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:593348 Contract Value : 5.68 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for repairing adeli phc main buiiding roof at adeli tal vengurla
7 Repairing Adeli PHC Main Buiiding Roof at Adeli Tal Vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:593391 Contract Value : 17.68 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for renewal to b t surface on hodawada matond road odr 59 in k m 0/0 to 2/200 at matond tal vengurla
8 Renewal to B T Surface on Hodawada Matond road ODR 59 in k m 0/0 to 2/200 at Matond Tal Vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:604320 Contract Value : 8.84 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for providing b t surface on vetora khadesal datta mandir rod vr 50 with in km 0/500 to 1/500 tal vengurla
9 Providing B T Surface on Vetora Khadesal Datta Mandir Rod VR 50 with in km 0/500 to 1/500 Tal Vengurla

Agency : Rural Development Department

CTN:604310 Contract Value : 3.57 Lacs
l-iconLocation:Vengurla - Maharashtra Tender award for repairs to a zilla parishad primary school building parabwada no.01 school building at parabwada tal vengrla
10 Repairs to a Zilla Parishad Primary School Building Parabwada No.01 School Building at Parabwada Tal Vengrla
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