Tender For construction of pcc road and drain beside moied miyan house via raghunath yadav. machine to mahavir paswan house in ward no 28 under gaya nagar nigam
Tender For construction of road and drain from shivkumar das house to main road dhiraj paswan house and main road ravi paswan house to to ramadhar paswan house, mastipur ward no-22, under bodh gaya nagar parishad, district-gaya.
Tender For construction of p.c.c. road and drain from gopalganj road to surajbhan babu house via hemraj park to pali babu to sohan mistri house in ward no. 49 under gaya nagar nigam gaya.
Tender For construction work of pcc path from block road to rampravesh singh's hotel along the bank of navner mine under nagar panchayat barun, aurangabad.
Tender For construction work of 300 meter road and drain from shriram chowk to chandrashekhar iti college in kshatriya nagar ward no.4 under municipal council aurangabad.