Tender For providing of calibration services - mechanical, thermal, optical calibration; mass and volume, pressure and vacuum, force, temperature; nabl labs; lab
Tender For providing of calibration services - mechanical, thermal, optical calibration; mass and volume, pressure and vacuum, force, temperature, speed & acceleration; nabl labs; lab
Tender For providing of manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments working area of lab personnel food lab; lab. attendant; high school,manpower outsourcing services - fixed remuneration - cleaning of glasswares instruments