Tender For transportation n installation of 02 nos. 4 in dia pipe line length 240mtrs. each from 0dip r-vi seam to 47dip in r-v seam for face pumping along with installation of two nos roto pump for face pumping in cm-1 section in r-v seam of mic, j.p.colliery
Tender For routing cleaning repair hydraulic test and fitting with commissioning of lancashire boiler no. wbl 11049 of kumardihi b colliery 5 and 6 pit under bankola area
Tender For supply of relay mccb electric socket brass ferrule spare tyre for tyre coupling - 12v, ac relay,8 pin , mccb, 400a,440v , mccb,250a,415v , electric socket,16a , brass ferrule 120 sqmm , copper ferrule 150 sqmm , brass ferrule 70sqmm , feed check valve,size 2 inch with ibrtc , spare tyre for tyre coupling f 110 , spare tyre for tyre coupling f 80
Tender For fire resistances rubber lagging for 3 nos of drum 10 nos belt drive and driven drum (size 1000 mm x 1400mm ) steel cord belt drive drum (size 1000 mm x 1400 mm) thickness 25mm for belt conveyor at shyamsundarpur colliery.
Tender For dismantling, loading, lowering, transporting, fitting and installation of standard height sdl with crd arrangement, model 625, sl. no. 1877 and 1900 eimco elecon make of porascole west colliery, kajora area