Tender For supply of medical equipements under kkrdb for the year 2024-25 under dhfw koppal - phaco systems, ophtalmic operative microscope, operative hystero laproscopic set
Tender For e-tender for common biomedical waste treatment facility for their service of collection, transportation, treatment & disposal of biomedical waste for all health facilities at chikballapura district.
Tender For ramanagara deic equipment - bean bags including white one,, led mirror ball,, mirror ball motor,, pin spot and mirror ball,, balls of different size,, ball pool,, bright colors,, peg board,, thera putty gluten free, non-toxic, red, yellow and blue colors,, brush for tactile stimulation,, soft toy,, puja bell (clapper bell),, squeaky toys,, small rattles,, toys (for play and stimulation),, looking mirrors,, floor seat (pelvic strap),, cutout floor table (2ft by 2ft), special chair with cut-out tray (tailor made according to need of the child),, bolster swing with nylon rope or straps with hooks to fit in the swing frame size 25 cm diameter x 90 cm long,, trampoline,, kayewalker 1,, balance board,, foam filled wedges covered with nylon, fitted with rexene straps to position the child small,, foam filled wedges covered with nylon, fitted with rexene straps to position the child bigs, , foam filled wedges covered with nylon, fitted with rexene straps to position the child,, therapy mats,, anti burst 45 cm with exercise ball and a pump for inflation,, anti burst 65 cm with exercise ball,, childhood behavioral checklist,, dyslexia screening test junior (6-11 years),, dyslexia early screening test 4-6 years (dest),, bayley-iii screening test complete kit includes manual, stim book, picture book, record forms 25 packs,, developmental screening test (dst),, vineland adaptive behavior scales,, vineland social maturity scale,, developmental assessment for indian infants (dassi),, illuminated near vision test drum,, vision testing drum,, childrens trial frame,, pediatric trail lens set,, streak retinoscope,, snellens chars,, log mar charts,, pencil torch with yellow light,, ophthalmic refraction chair unit,, tongue depresso,, portable handheld tympanometry/impedance audiometer-table top,, pure tone audiometer with bone conductor diagnostic,, lpt linguistic profile test,, receptive expressive emergent language test third edition (reel3),, head circumference tape non stretchable teflon synthetic material,, muac tape,, height measuring scale -stadiometer,, electronic adult weighing scale (platform type),, electronic baby weighing scale, , infant meter with integrated head piece and sliding leg positioner 10-99cm,, sphygmomanometer with pediatric cuff with 3 different sizes (infant, child and adult) reusable,, stethoscope (pediatric)