Tender For quotations for purcelase of (1) lever arch file 'solo maine no. la-512 and (ii) wooden poker 'national mam for the use of this court. iwith valedity of rates for a period of 180 days muvewum]
Tender For quotations for purchase of sdi table sharpeners (sku: 0150) for the use of this court. [with validity of rates for a period of 180 days minimum
Tender For notice inviting tender(s) for purchase of thirty (30) nos. each of 32 gb and 64 gb otg pen drives of reputed make with maximum warranty & speed.
Tender For annual maintenance contract for approx. 31 nos. of cctv systems consisting upto 08 cameras installed at the residences of hon'ble the chief justice and hon'ble judges of this court. the quantity of cctv systems may increase or decrease in future as per requirement
Tender For notice inviting tender(s) for purchase of two hundred (200) nos. of 12 volts 7ah smf/or higher configuration (compatible with 1 kva ups) ups batteries of reputed make with maximum warranty in two equal installment's
Tender For tender( s) for purchase of 200 nos. of mcafee total protection antivirus -licenses having one year subscription from the date of first installation (single license key pack each on dvd media only).