Tender For execution of civil works for development of education infrastructure in 152 schools under pm shri scheme construction of additional class room gcps sakori distt. solan under u-dise code 2090306701
Tender For execution of civil works for development of educational infrastructure in 152 schools under pm shri scheme sh construction of additional class room at cgps portmore distt. shimla under u-dise code 2111507201.
Tender For construction of rcc culvert 300 mtrs spam at rd 0940 over dayura nallah in link road nihari to jaswani tehsil ghumarwin district bilaspur hp
Tender For execution of civil works for development of educational infrastructure in 152 schools under pm shri scheme sh construction of addional class room gps sunni distt. shimla under u dise code 2111608801.
Tender For special repair of common toilets in hostel building of state council of education research and training scert at solan, distt. solan, h.p. including internal water supply and sanitary installation.
Tender For self financing scheme at basal, distt. solan h.p. sh- structural strengthening of block no. 22 retrofitting of column b2 and b6 with beam. specialized job thereof.