Tender For supply of 10 sqmm white colour electron beam irradiation curing process thin walle d flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductor suitable for rolling stock application conforming to rdso spec.no.elrs/spec/elc/0019, rev.4, feb-2018,1.8 kv grade. note: cables shall be supplied in coils of 500 metres length and left over quantity in mu ltiples of 100, with a tolerance of +/-5% on the length [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of small handle grab rail for 2 years through rate contract to zon al railways for lavatory of vb chair car coaches make: jaquar model: ahs-chr-1503 mate rial: stainless steel size-450 mm (or) make: m/s dolphy model: dhgb0022 material :ss 304 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of health faucet for lavatory of vb chair car coaches for 2 years t hrough rate contract to zonal railways make-jaquar model:ald-chr-573 (or) make: m/s h indware model: cora hf wt 1.2 m ss flexible tube. [ warranty period: 30 months after the dat e of delivery ]
Tender For supply of knob type compression lock of lavatory dust bin for 2 years thro ugh rate contract to zonal railways for vb chair car coaches make: southco model: e3 -107-052 material: stainless steel (or) make: m/s dirak model:379-1241.04- 09152 material : stainless steel. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of layout of interior notices (with braille script) for lwscz2 coaches (ref. dr g.no. lwscz2-6-4-001, alt-b, item nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, & 21) as per specn. icf/md/spec-253, r ev-00 with amd-01 to 03 consists of: 1)number plate for seats (in set) icf/sk3-6-4-052, alt-r col-7 = 1 set. 2)notice for door closes automatically, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-4 = 2 nos . 3)notice for western style, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-10 = 2 no. 4)notice for dust bin, ic f/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-11 = 4 nos. 5)picture no drinking water, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item- 2 = 7 nos. 6)press for flush, icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-16 = 4 nos. 7)picture no waste into toilet,icf/sk3-6-4-051, alt-g, item-3 = 4 nos. 8)picture no smoking,icf/sk3-6-4-051,alt-g,item-1 5 = 5 nos please visit icf vendor portal for downloading drawing https:// vp.icf.gov.in/ vendtendordet new.php using key 0725d0rrgzs1500 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of aluminium composite panel, size: 3 x 1350 x 1850mm conforming to matl specn. icf/md/spec-234, issue status-01, rev.03 with amd-01 acp panel colour shall be bone white to ral 0909005. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of frlt cotton insulation tape conforming to icf specification no. icf/elec-921, rev.0, cs.05. note: 1. non adhesive side of the tape shall be of white colour. 2. supplier s hall print rly-rly in generic pattern on non adhesive side in black colour. [ warranty per iod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of l beam stiffner assembly emu/us dmc,tc,mc and ndmc coaches to drg.no 7921 1021 col.i - 1 no 79211022 col.i - 1 no 79211034 col.i - 1 no and 79211035 col.i - 1 no special c ondition : -each items should be labelled [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deliver y ]