Tender For corrigendum : supply of flexible gangway with foot plate (half module)to drg. no. mrm/dtc-2-5-001, c ol-1, alt-d.to spec icf/md/spec-369, with amd-01 and 02 and track parameters to drg no. m rm/dtc-2-5-003-alt-a. [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of under frame complete for memu tc6 coach to drg no. 74711001, col 2, alt f th e manufacturing facility as per icf/md/spec-147, issue status-01, rev-02, with amendment no. 01. special condition : the under frame should be supplied as normal side up and side be arer side down. packing drawing similar to be as per icf/j&t/misc-2487, alt b [safety item ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of one coach set of stainless steel roof, side wall and end wall for 3 phase ai r conditioned ac/emu dmc & dmc2 medha ac coaches to drg.no. (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-6-001, alt 'a', col.i - 1 no, (805)emu2/dmc/ac-1-4-001, alt 'a', col.i- 1 no, col.ii-1 no. (806)emu2/tc/ac- 1-5-002, alt 'e', col.i - 1 no, schedule of technical requirement to specn. icf/md/spec-200, i ssue status -01, rev-04 with amendment no-01. special condition : packing condition as per i cf/j&t/misc-2402, alt 'b' and icf/j&t/sk-1777, alt 'a'. "firm shall obtain the exact drawings t o be followed before start of manufacture". [safety item ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply & installation of one coach set of cctv system for lhb eog non ac co aches as per rdso drg no. cg-18230, anx-1 and with specification icf/md/spec-269, issue st atus-02, rev-00. [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]