Tender For supply erection testing and commissioning of 33/6.6 kv 6.3 mva power transformer at janai lift irrigation scheme stage-ii tal. daund dist. pune .
Tender For operation maintenance and repairing of 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 tr air conditioners and maintenance repairing or supply of new other emergancy electrical equipments in sinchan bhavan pune
Tender For providing manpower for operation maintenance of 33/6.6 kv and 33/3.3 kv switchyards janai stage i to iii and shirsai lift irrigation scheme for one year.
Tender For cement concrete lining with bed and slope at rd 1341m to rd 1455m with bank strengthening and raising of kalokudar minor off-taking from vedvyas distribuatry of p.i.p..
Tender For renovation of residential building qtr. no.- d-2, e-1, e-2, e-3, e-4, f-1, f-2. f-3, f-4 at ranibandh irrigation colony, rajgangpur for the year 2024-25.