Tender For providing 5 nos of tractors with trailor on hire basis for door to door collection in 5th circle for maintenance of sanitation in anantapuramu municipal corporation
Tender For construction of 300mm cc drain from d.no. 17-263 to 17-243, from d.no. 17-192 to 17-229, from d.no. 17-185 to 17-188, from d.no. 17-191 to 17-187 from d.no. 17-181 to n6/6 and from 17-192 to n6/6 and cc road from d.no. 17-263 to 17-243 fom 17-185 to 17-188 and from 17-181 to n6/6, in neeruganti street, ward secretarait-20, 12th division of anantapuramu municipal corporation
Tender For widening of cc road and consruction of cc road from d.no. 12-912 to 12-923 in sai nagar 5th cross of ward secretarait 37 in 19th division of anantapuramu municipal corporation
Tender For construction of 450mm cc drains from d.no. 17-1-252 to vani modern rice mill in 3rd division under venugopal nagar secretarait (21001004) in anantapuramu municipal corporation
Tender For constructio of 600mm cc drain and culvert from d.no. 17-193 to 17-263 in neeruganti steet of ws-0, 12th division anantapuramu municipal corporation
Tender For construction of disposal drain of size 2.70m from masti's restaurent to nadimivanka (beside of nh 44 service road) in lakshmi nagar of 39th division, 56 and 57 secretariats of anantapuramu municipal corporation