Tender For construction of c.c. road works in various areas ofward no. 1,2,4 bhuj municipality area, bhuj. (underudp-88 grant year 2024-25)- third attempt
Tender For development of solid waste processing plant for dry and wet waste generated by the ulbs under sbm urban 2.0 (third call) on design, build, operate and transfer basis for babra
Tender For jilla ayojan 2023-24,1)construction work of r.c.c esr (55000 liter ) capacity & 12mt. ht. at champa wada kuva area at borsad.2) estimate for proposed bore room at champavada kuva area at borsad. 3) proposed drilling of tube well at champavada kuva by drilling of 165mm x 100mtrs at borsad. 4) providing , supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of submersible pumping machinery from proposed tubewell to proposed elevated service reservoir 800 lpm 144.0 mt. head 45 hp. 5) estimate for rising main proposed tube well to proposed esr at champavada kuva at borsad.
Tender For construction of public toilet, aspirational toilet and urinal at different area of borsad nagar palika.borsad.dist anand under sbm 2.0.(7th attempt)