Tender For road resurfacing of asphlt road work from janta steel to mahila mandal & lifeline hospital to ambaji higway in idar nagarpalika.dist- sabarkantha (package-1) (udp 88,2023-24)
Tender For construction of 2 lac liter sump with machinery near sheela uddhyan behind gym center in idar nagarpalika area, idar, dist-sabarkantha.(pakage-5) (jilla aayojan grant, 2024-25) (3rd attempt)
Tender For construction of box culvert & c.c. road work in word no-07 nr. damor jayntibhai laxmanbhai house in ider nagarpalika.dist-sabarkantha (package-03)
Tender For construction of sump, esr, pumping machinary, compound wall and pumping room with 5 years operation and maintenance at vijaynagar and navanagar area at anjar .
Tender For rfp for development of solid waste processing plant for dry and wet waste generated by the ulbs on design, build, operate and transfer basis ulb : bardoli zone : surat
Tender For construction of c.c road & box drain work at diffrant 2 location in ider nagarpalika.dist- sabarkantha (package-02)(udp 88,2021-22 & 2024-25)
Tender For bid document for construction of asphalt road connecting meghmayur appartment in vapi municipal corporation area in ward no.4 under 15 th finance scheme (untide) 2023-2024. second attempt.
Tender For bid document for construction work of asphalt road behind jalaram mandir gali in vapi municipal corporation area ward no.3 under 15 th finance scheme (untide grant) 2023-2024. second attempt.