Tender For rfp for rate contract for comprehensive maintenance for three years of existing optical fibre cable network in state of rajasthan (e-tendering)
Tender For corrigendum : request for proposal (rfp) document for development and implementation of smart (services management with artificial intelligence and real time system)
Tender For request for proposal (rfp) document for providing vehicle attendant services for support and services in office administration to rajcomp info services limited
Tender For corrigendum : request for proposal (rfp) for selection of agency for design, development and maintenance of e-sanchar 3.0 application for department of it and communication, government of rajasthan
Tender For corrigendum : request for proposal for selection of agency for design, development and maintenance of e-sanchar 3.0 application for department of it and communication, government of rajasthan
Tender For rfp for selection of agencies (empanelment and rate contract) for engagement of consultants for it projects in government of rajasthan for a period of 2 years