Tender For 1. laproscopic set 2. causa cautry 3. bariatric ot table 4. reusable multifire clip applicator for lap 5mm 5. reusable multifire clip applicator for lap 10mm 6. spatula cautry (lap) 7. utrenie manipulor 8. verees needle 9. cbd dilator and others
Tender For two year rate contract for pest and rodent control at sms hospital and its whole campus boundary wall and buildings including main building, dhanwantari, bangur, charak bhawan, trauma centre, rkbc, radiotherapy, nursing school, idh, nurs. school etc.
Tender For 1. tissue expander burns and plastic surgery deptt. - tissue expander should be made of silicon elastomer shell. tissue expander should have a remote injection dome that should be attached to the expander with a length of silicon elastomere tubing. all injection port/dome should have integrated stainless steel needle guard to prevent inadvertent needle puncture. it should be supplied in different shapes (circular, rectangular, crescent oval etc.) and size from 50cc to 500cc. it should be smooth textured and sterilized by gamma radiation/ eto. it should be supplied individually in a sterile and non-pyogenic double layer packing system. it should be fda approved.