Tender For assembling, fixing of cr sheet hut comprising of 04 rooms of size 3.5m x4 m with attached washrooms including one no ppgi sheet hut and all carriages before yatra and dismantling and safe staking after conclusion of yatra at holy cave.
Tender For up gradation of drainage network by way of repairs to damaged portions and raising of bed by way of providing of flooring etc. nunwan camp for yatra -2025.
Tender For upgradation of cement concrete path laid with 60 mm thick precast tiles for existing toilets blocks to make the path free from slips during rainy days at nunwan camp for yatra 2025
Tender For creation of space for instillation of additional toilets by rdd , by way retaining walls and filling of depressions / undulations at different spots inside nunwan camp for yatra -2025.
Tender For up-gradation of tentage area by way of landscaping of a and b block (aprox. 10000 sqm) including removal of rubbish outside the periphery of the area, and clearing of fire gaps and cleaning of drains at sides of paths and fire gaps, and
Tender For repairs to existing damaged tile paths at in between langars and different spots( damaged due to upgradation of camp site) by using precast tiles for easy movement of yatries inside nunwan camp for yatra 2025
Tender For creation of space for dislocated tents from block c ( new construction area of dormitories etc ) by way of filling of depressions / undulations at different spots including providing of wbm to fire gaps and paths etc. at nunwan camp