Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : providing of monthly ambulance service (all inclusive) - all inclusive service; type d advance life support ambulance; single stretcher premium van; tata winger ambulance 3400, force traveler ambulance
Tender For bid to ras supply of fluid machinery lab - universal force table apparatus , coplanar parallel forces apparatus , simple plane roof truss apparatus , fly wheel apparatus with weight 200mm dia , fletchers trolley , triangle law polygon of forces apparatus with weights , parallel forces apparatus , youngs modulus apparatus , jib crane apparatus , mild steel bending test on simply supported beam , wheel and differential axle apparatus , support reaction of beam apparatus , equilibrium of non- concurrent forces apparatus , screw jack apparatus , worm and worm wheel apparatus with single start with weight , worm and worm wheel apparatus with double start with weight , worm and worm wheel apparatus with triple start with weight , impact tests izod charpy