Tender For rate scheduled of supply of food for trainees, trainers and others under scsp project on socio economic development of sc beneficiaries through animal husbandry & fish farming based approach at selected villages of west bengal under department of animal genetics and breeding, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs
Tender For rate schedule of equipments under nlm project on development of feed pellet thermo stable newcastle disease vaccine department of veterinary medicine, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs
Tender For rate schedule of chemicals & other under serb(dst) project on exploring the missing link in transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistome with environment in fruit bats: the primitive but successful species of the ecosystem under wbuafs.
Tender For rate scheduled of medicines under scsp project on socio economic development of sc beneficiaries through animal husbandry & fish farming based approach at selected villages of west bengal under department of animal genetics and breeding, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs - description of the items, vitamin-ad3e syrup, multivitamin (b-complex) syrup, liquid iron tonic & liver extract, levofloxacin 10% with bromohexine oral solution, levofloxacin 10% with bromohexine oral solution, sulphadiazine+ trimethoprim bolus, enrofloxacin tablet, oxfendazole liquid, albendazole 2.5% syrup, mineral mixture-chelated, new castle disease vaccine (killed), fowl pox vaccine (wing web method), new castle disease vaccine (live), new castle disease vaccine (live), duck plague vaccine (live), duck plague vaccine (live), ppr vaccine (live) with diluent, ppr vaccine (live) with diluent, goat pox vaccine (live) with diluent, goat pox vaccine (live) with diluent
Tender For lighting arrangement, flower decoration and other allied miscellaneous decorative works of the convocation cum community hall of the university at 37, k. b. sarani, belgachia
Tender For rate scheduled of supply of food for trainees, trainers and others under scsp project on socio economic development of sc beneficiaries through animal husbandry & fish farming based approach at selected villages of west bengal under department of animal genetics and breeding, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs
Tender For rate scheduled of instruments/equipments under scsp project on socio economic development of sc beneficiaries through animal husbandry & fish farming based approach at selected villages of west bengal under department of animal genetics and breeding, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs
Tender For rate scheduled for making of pandel including supply of chair, table, sound system etc (on hired basis) to conduct project activities at selected villages under under scsp project on socio economic development of sc beneficiaries through animal husbandry & fish farming based approach at selected villages of west bengal under department of animal genetics and breeding, faculty of veterinary & animal sciences, wbuafs