Tender For ecce learning materials for kids - ecce learning material, front round moon table for kids l134*w51*h51*adjustable height legs for table good quality material, multi colour kids chair d35 cm*w.41cm*h.55cm (high qu, kids indoor/outdoor sliders l-147, w-47,h-92 cm,item weighet- 15kg,muliticolour,good qwality material, xylophone for kids h-7cm,l-26cm,w-20cm, foldabile baby mat play foam learning&crawling water proof ,thickness-2cm,6 feet*4 feet, wooden angle geometric block stacker shape sorter column puzzle stacking set 5 shaped.high quality solid wood construction and durabile water paint finish non-toxic also the round corner without wood dust,completely child safe . 13,7*2.6*1.8 cm, wooden learning activity "a" shaped,alphbets,picture/words,abacus,white board,clock, animal costume for kids rabit -81 nos goat -81 nos monkey-81, nos lion -81 nos etc length-36, birds costume for kids parrot-81 crow - 81, nos pigeon -81, nos eagle - 81 nos parrot - 81 nos etc length-36, educational toys colour memory chess training logical thinking observation of concentration fun games for kids.wooden materials,completely child safe .