Tender For rfp for engagement of project management consultant (pmc) for the work construction of civil structures legislative assembly building (b+g+3) and high court building (b+g+7) in amaravati government complex area of amaravti capital city, andhra pradesh
Tender For rfp for engagement of project management consultant (pmc) for the work of construction of integrated andhra pradesh state secretariat and government head of departments (hods) office building in amaravati government complex, andhra pradesh
Tender For rfp for engagement of project management consultant (pmc) for completion of balance works for multi-storied quarters of 18 towers of (s+12) floors pattern for honble mlas and honble mlcs and all india services officers, 71 bungalows of (g+1) floors for honble ministers and honble judges and 115 bungalows of (g+1) floors for ais principal secretaries and ais secretaries in amaravati govt. complex village, amaravati, andhra pradesh including dlp of 2 years
Tender For rfp for engagement of project management consultant (pmc) for completion of balance works in external infra development for multi-storied apartment quarters in 14 towers of (s+12) floors pattern buildings for gazetted officers type-i and type-ii and group-d officials in amaravati govt. complex village, amaravati, andhra pradesh including dlp of 2 years
Tender For rfp for engaging project management consultancy for construction of roads, drains, water supply, sewerage, utility ducts for power and ict, reuse waterline and avenue plantation, compatible with trunk infrastructure in layouts for land pooling schemes for zone-12 and zone-12a including dlp of 2 years.
Tender For rfp for engaging project management consultancy for construction of roads, drains, water supply, sewerage, utility ducts for power and ict, reuse waterline and avenue plantation, compatible with trunk infrastructure in layouts for land pooling schemes for zone-2 (2a and 2b), zone-4, zone-6 and zone-10 and construction of stp package-1 (zone-1,2,3,5 and 6) and stp package-2 (zone-4,7,9,10,12 and 12a) including dlp of 2 years
Tender For investigation, design and construction of civil structure (sub structure and super structure) works for legislative assembly building of basement plus ground plus 3 floors (b plus g plus 3) including earthwork, pile or raft foundations (including foundation for spire), rcc framed structure consisting of retaining wall, shear/core wall, slabs, beam, pt slab and beam, inclined / flared shear walls, columns, using formwork, reinforcement works, waterproofing and miscellaneous works complying to the requirements of griha five star rating certification for legislative assembly building in super block e of amaravati government complex area in amaravati capital city, andhra pradesh on design build item rate (lump sum) contract.
Tender For design and construction of civil structure (sub structure and super structure) works for high court building of basement plus ground plus7 floors (b plus g plus 7) including earthwork, pile, raft foundations, rcc framed structure consisting of retaining wall, shear/core wall, slabs, beam, pt slab and beam, ridge beams, inclined columns, using modular/system formwork, reinforcement works, waterproofing and other miscellaneous works complying to the requirements of griha five star rating certification for high court building in super block f of amaravati government complex area in amaravati capital city, andhra pradesh on design build item rate (lumpsum) contract (percentage tender).