Tender For corrigendum : dr.mvr rtpp - stage.iv (1x600mw) - o&m - cleaning of floors of power house building and administrative building, transformer yard, stage-iv chp, mcc building, forwarding pump house and surrounding power house complex of stage-iv for the year 2025-26.
Tender For corrigendum : dr mvr rtpp operation and maintenance annual maintenance of residential buildings like masonry for b c d e type quarters and non residential buildings like guest house community hall project hospital schools occ stores etc in dr mvr rtpp colony for the year 2025 26
Tender For corrigendum : rtpp-o&m-attending miscellaneous civil works of foph, stacker reclaimer, fuel oil pipe line, construction sheds, dozer shed at coal handling plant for the year 2025-2026.
Tender For corrigendum : rtpp - stage-iv(1x600mw) - o&m - removal and disposal of ash ,silt, debris from stage iv boiler ,ash plant, ptp and dm plant ,c w pumphouse areas and drains, leading drains to guard pond for the year 2025-26.