Tender For purchase of poultry feed pellet plant with accessories (2 tph) with same specifications, same terms, conditions and all accessories (if any) as mentioned in the dnit.
Tender For tender for supply of live fish transportation tank , capacity 2000 lts , live fish transportation tank 1000 ltr , 120000 lacs egg per hour , graders fry and fingerling made of fiber glass , trout horizontal static hatching tank with trays , pvc and camouflage , digital and soil kit , digital turbidity , nephelo meter , digital thermomter for water , frp boat-8 persons , 1 hp paddle two wheel aerator , 3 hp paddle six wheel aerator
Tender For corrigendum : electrical renovation of equine critical care unit at large animal clinics in the department of veterinary medicine at guru angad dev veterinary and animal sciences university, ludhiana.
Tender For corrigendum : repair and renovation of poultry farm of animal nutrition dept. at guru angad dev veterinary and animal sciences university, ludhiana.
Tender For corrigendum : electrical work for construction of new skill development center guru angad dev veterinary and animal sciences university, ludhiana.
Tender For hiring of tentage, sound and light system for pashu palan mela to be held on 21st and 22nd march, 2025 with same specifications, same terms and conditions as mentioned in the dnit.