Tender For supply of paint enamel synthetic exterior- post office red finishing (isc no.538), to drawing / specifi cation is:8662/2024, rdso amendment no.1 (revision - 0) for pigment content as an additional requireme nt to is:8662-2024, with additional requirements of icf/md/spec-045, issue status - 02, rev-03 dated 14.0 6.2007 and rdso amendment no.1a as an additional requirement. [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]
Tender For replacing of old ac sheets with galvanized sheets along with providing individual water storage tanks and quarter repairs at txd and cmdp rail colonies under the jurisdiction of aden/ark.
Tender For supply of led light fitting for passenger alarm chain indication (for lhb coaches), type-i (3w) as per rdsos specification no. rdso/pe/spec/tl/0091-2016 (rev. 1) with rcf annexure - 1,2,3 and rcfs drawing no. lw76098, alt. a. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For proposed miscellaneous repairs to lc approach road surface, lc goomty including toilet, fencing, tube well and height gauge etc. under aden/balu.