Tender For providing of custom bid for services - testing and painting of 14 point 2 kg dpt cylinders,custom bid for services - testing and painting of 19 kg dpt cylinders
Tender For supply of supply and installation of auto coulometric kf titrator equipment as per technical specification , first year amc of supplied auto kf titrator as per tender terms & conditions , second year amc of supplied auto kf titrator as per tender terms & conditions , third year amc of supplied auto kf titrator as per tender terms & conditions , fourth year amc of supplied auto kf titrator as per tender terms & conditions , fifth year amc of supplied auto kf titrator as per tender terms & conditions
Tender For corrigendum : supply of tank primary radar gauges at vijaywada tl - sup of primary radar ag tanks fr crvt , erec instal of primary radar ag tanks fr , commisioning testing of ag tank radar , supply of water ag tanks radar , insta erection water ag tank radar , comistng testing of water ag tank rada , tankside indicator w lcd display , insta erection tsi , comistng testing tsi , sup of ag tank pt with 2 valves , insta erection pt with 2 valves , comistng testing of pt , sup of mst cum wls ag tanks , insta erection mst cum wls ag tanks , comistng testing mst cum wls ag tanks , supply of radar level gauge for ug tanks , install erection of ug atg probe , commisioning testing of ug atg probe , sup of sst cum wls ug tanks , insta erection sst cum wls ug tanks , comistng testing mst cum wls ug tanks , sup of density probe for ug tanks , insta erection density probe for ug tank , comistng testing density probe for ug , sup of ciu with redundancy , insta erection ciu with redundancy , comistng testing ciu with redundancy , sup client pc with tfms s w , insta erection computer interface unt , comistng testing computer interface un , manditory spares as per list , camc for 8 years , oem service engineer 8 hrs , sup of density probe for ag tanks , comistng testing density probe for ag
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - feasibility study for modifying the header liquid pipeline from tank wagon to storage area at the hpcl jatni lpg plant