Tender For replacement of existing damaged ground light fixture at aircraft museum and replacement of 5 nos 7 5 ah battary at utility building 3 in newtown kolkata under wbhidco
Tender For supplying and fixing lagerstroemia, delonix regia, peltophorum pterocarpum, plumeria rubra and cynodon dactylon along with earth filling at the south side ground, both slope portions and diya stand area of jagannath dham sanskriti kendra at digha.
Tender For repairing and replacing of ms stair railing to stainless steel railing with ms post of cafe ekante cottage and necessary changes of out side ss railing (water body side) at eco island in new town, kolkata.
Tender For supply of verious types of mechanical, electrical and fire related equipment, spare parts and ancillary materials for repairing, servicing and restoration purpose of existing system of biswa bangla convention centre in new town, kolkata.