Tender For repair replacement of exhaust fans in different areas of gmch and providing installation of new exhaust fans in physiotherapy department along with allied works in gmch, jammu
Tender For special repair selected toilets and kitchen in otm accn and provn of 40 x geyers and provn of 84 x exhaust fan for jcos/or md accnand provn of hard standing with shed at mil stn bd bari under ge kaluchak
Tender For corrigendum : maintenance/repair/replacement of external electrification, street lights, flood light fittings and fixtures, internal electrification, ceiling fans, pedestal fans, exhaust fans, geysers, battery charger and allied works at aor of age b/r tuticorin u
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repair maint of exhaust fan wall fan pedestal fan air circulator fan at 10 wing af under ge af jorhat