Tender For renovation and face lifting of main building at ihmct taramani chennai including structure strengthening reconstruction of portico terrace water proofing terrace tank repair and replacement of water supply line replacement of broken windows doors reconstruction of drainage system conversion of washing area into toilet and bathrooms construction of 6 nos head rooms for elevation etc including electrical renovation of main building with copper wiring energy efflicent lighting fans power outlets and solar heaters etc sh removing repairing and replacing the damaged glass ms mosquito mesh into ss mesh door hardware fittings window hardware fitting and other related miscellaneous works
Tender For corrigendum : 4-installation of steel mesh on the previously constructed drain near jankalyaan school and interlock road elevation repair work till siyaram house in mo. kasbhara mission
Tender For drain repair and bed elevation work from sanjay agarwal to shiv prasad and from deepti agarwal to nanak chandra agarwal, pankaj mishra to kavita, azad gupta to dr. jindal nursing home, in ward no. 16, durga nagar, street no. 04.