Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - repair of two leonova diamond muti channel analyser; ms spm instrument india pvt ltd; yes; service provider premises
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - repair of exhaust gas analyser pega ga 40; repair of exhaust gas analyser pega ga 40; yes; buyer premises
Tender For supply of supply of gas analysis apparatus,l2 switch 8 ports,temperature transmitter as per specs,pressure transmitter as per specs,service - gas analyser apparatus,composite works for extension of tapping point to gas chromatograph,composite installation of temperature transmitter with thermowell,composite installation of pt
Tender For supply of epair and maintenance of security items - repair of bio metric access control , repair and service of boom barrier at squadron , repair and service of breath alcohol analyser , repair and service of laser thermal temperature sensor , repair and service of standard duplex 3 stainless steel post , repair of steel mobile barricade , repair and service of biometric attendance system
Tender For e-tender for providing housekeeping and administrativeservices for sardar khet bhavan building for the ahmedabad district co-operative bank ltd. (hereinafter referred as adc bank), ahmedabad.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - annual maintenance contract for servicing of the instrument indicated below. - mrpl tender no 3300011657 and service code 1024383 annual maintenance contract for servicing of nmr magstation 685 as per tender document section and in gem overall total 2 each rate to be quoted including gst,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3300011657 and service code 1033368 annual maintenance contract for servicing of nmr magstation 748 as per tender document section and in gem overall total 2 each rate to be quoted including gst,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3300011657 and service code 1032751 annual maintenance contract for servicing of xos sindi 7039 analyser as per tender document section and in gem overall total 2 au rate to be quoted including gst,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3300011657 and service code 1032752 annual maintenance contract for servicing of xos clora 2xp analyser as per tender document section and in gem overall total 2 au rate to be quoted including gst,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3300011657 and service code 1043416 annual maintenance contract for servicing of xos sindi 2622 analyser as per tender document section and in g
Tender For e-tenders are invited from reputed and registered service providers for the technical and administrativeservices for nagar parishad rajgurunagar