Tender For consultants for the work consultancy services for to provide third party quality assurance and quality control for the infrastructure works like buildings/roads/water supply lines/sewer lines/storm water drains/ bridges/electrical items like cable for service connections, central lighting, bore well parts etc in khammam municipal corporation limits, khammam
Tender For providing of hiring of third-party inspection agency - consultancy services for third party quality control inspection alongwith day to day supervision for the work design drawing fabrication supply erection with all accessories and suspension arrangement with ho..
Tender For consultants for the work consultancy services for to provide third party quality assurance and quality control for the infrastructure works like buildings/roads/water supply lines/sewer lines/storm water drains/ bridges/electrical items like cable for service connections, central lighting, borewell parts etc in khammam municipal corporation limits, khammam,for one year. (box tender - the technical bid & financial bid sealed in separate covers shall be dropped in the tender box at room no. b-107, db section ,kmc office, gattaiah centre, khammam-507001 23.12.2024 up to 4.00 pm)
Tender For e-tender for providing housekeeping and administrativeservices for sardar khet bhavan building for the ahmedabad district co-operative bank ltd. (hereinafter referred as adc bank), ahmedabad.
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy service for proof checking, assisting supervision of work, quality control of upgradation and strengthening to 2 lane_ps from km. 95.500 to 129.775 of nh168g idar-bhiloda-samlaji in the state of gujarat under epc mode (length 34.275km)
Tender For e-tenders are invited from reputed and registered service providers for the technical and administrativeservices for nagar parishad rajgurunagar