Tender For supply of supply of 01 ton goods cum personnel lift as per specifications enclosed with 2 years warranty , erection, installation, testing and commissioning of 01 ton goods cum personnel lift as per specifications enclosed , amc for first year one nos lift as per specifications enclosed , amc for second year one nos lift as per specifications enclosed , amc for third year one nos lift as per specifications enclosed , amc for fourth year one nos lift as per specifications enclosed , amc for fitfh year one nos lift as per specifications enclosed
Tender For supply, installation, testing & commissioning of a new heavy duty 3 ton passenger cum goods lift (with safety device)with dismantling of old lift (elevator) including civil & electrical work with materials (under 05 years guarantee and warranty).
Tender For dismantling, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of gearless passenger cum goods lift of unit no. 3&4 and unit no. 5 in boiler area at utps on turnkey basis.(et- 5891 emd-ii)
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - office space; supply installation testing and commissioning of a new heavy duty 03 ton passenger cum goods lift with safety device with dismantling of old lift includin..
Tender For repair maintenance of lift at sirifort auditorium, new delhi. (sh: annual comprehensive maintenance of a-type 01 no. omega make passenger-cum-goods capsule type lift for print unit at sirifort auditorium, new delhi